Implantation of electronic devices into leaves of plants
HyPhOE researchers at Linköping University, Sweden have successfully managed to implant an ion pump into the leaves of the tobacco plant. The ion pump was used to deliver a plant hormone, ABA, into the leaves, without causing any damage to the plant.
The results are now published in the journal Small, Advanced Science News:
Implantable Organic Electronic Ion Pump Enables ABA Hormone Delivery for Control of Stomata in an Intact Tobacco Plant, Iwona Bernacka-Wojcik, Miriam Huerta, Klas Tybrandt, Michal Karady, Mohammad Yusuf Mulla, David J. Poxson, Erik O. Gabrielsson, Karin Ljung, Daniel T. Simon, Magnus Berggren, and Eleni Stavrinidou, Small 2019. DOI 10.1002/smll.201902189
Photo credit: Thor Balkhed, LiU
Read more here: Link to press release at Linköping University webpage