HyPhOE contributions to the “European Researchers’ Night”
On September 24, HyPhOE partners in Greece and Italy contributed with outreach activities in connection to “The European Researchers’ Night”, that brings research closer to society, https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/event/2021-european-researchers-night.
In Greece, FORTH and Eleni Pavlopoulou participated via the so-called Chat Labs, where researchers met with high school classes from all around Greece to talk about research. In this framework, electronic plants and HyPhOE’s achievements reached more than 200 Greek teenagers, between 12 and 18 years old, located all around Greece.”
In Italy, HyPhOE research were communicated in several ways by the UNIBA team, generating great interest by the visiting students.
A lot of interest by people visiting the stand. Photosynthetic bacteria in green and red nuance for energy production could be seen and the visitors were even involved in energy production by illuminating photosynthetic bacteria with their smart phones.
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