SLU is one of the strongest research environments for experimental plant biology in Europe and we conduct research of both basic and strategic importance. Part of SLU is the Umeå Plant Science Center that covers a wide range of disciplines in plant biology including ecology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology. The common goal shared by scientist within SLU is to understand the mechanisms driving plant development and plant adaptation to environmental changes. Our work is carried out at all organization levels of the plant, and through integrating the different research fields and areas of expertise. We aim to describe the plant as a complex organism in dynamic interaction with its environment.

Umeå Plant Science Centre

UPSC is one of the strongest research environments for experimental plant biology in Europe and we conduct research of both basic and strategic importance. Research at UPSC covers a wide range of disciplines in plant biology including ecology, genetics, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology. The common goal shared by scientist within UPSC is to understand the mechanisms driving plant development and plant adaptation to environmental changes. The work is carried out at all organization levels of the plant, and through integrating the different research fields and areas of expertise. The aim is to describe the plant as a complex organism in dynamic interaction with its environment.

PIs involved in HyPhOE

Torgny Näsholm Associate Professor Professor (chair) in Tree Ecophysiology, Faculty of Forestry, SLU 2007-
CSO of the company SweTree Nutrition 2015-

Totte Niittylä Associate Professor Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU 2015 – 

List of Relevant Publications

  1. Rende U, Wang W, Gandla ML, Jönsson LJ, Niittylä T (2017). Cytosolic invertase contributes to the supply of substrate for cellulose biosynthesis in developing wood New Phytologist, 214, 796-807
  2. Mahboubi A, Ratke C, Gorzsás A, Kumar M, Mellerowicz EJ, Niittylä T (2013). Aspen SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 3 allocates carbon into wood fibers. Plant Physiology 163, 1729-1740
  3. Näsholm T. et al. 1998. Boreal forest plants take up organic nitrogen. Nature 392, 914-916, 1998. (968 citations) Citation classic in high-impact journal; landmark paper demonstrating in situ that amino acids are acquired by plants
  4. Näsholm T, Kielland K, Ganeteg U. 2009. Uptake of organic nitrogen by plants. Tansley Review New Phytologist, 182: 31-48. (524 citations) Highly cited; synthesis of molecular to ecosystem knowledge of organic N relations
  5. Inselsbacher E, Näsholm T. 2012. The belowground perspective of forest plants – soil provides mainly organic N for plants and mycorrizal fungi. New Phytologist, 195: 329-334. (Rapid report) Novel approach to study soil nitrogen availability using a technique adopted from the field of neurophysiology.